Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Cosmic rays' vast energy traced to magnetic turbulence

DEC. 10, 2024, by C. D. Shea, Columbia U.

Volume rendering of (a) ∣∇ × B∣ and (b) ∣∇ × ΓV∣ (normalized to their respective rms values) taken at t = 2.5lc/c from the reference turbulence simulation (σ = 16, lc/di = 133). 
(c) One-dimensional spectra of the turbulent magnetic field (red) and fluid four-velocity (blue) at t = 2.5lc/c. Each spectrum is normalized so that ∑k⊥P(k⊥)=1. A power-law slope of k⊥−5/3 (dashed black line) is shown for reference. 
Credit: The Astrophysical Journal Letters (2024). DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ad955f

Ultra-high energy cosmic rays, which emerge in extreme astrophysical environments—like the roiling environments near black holes and neutron stars—have far more energy than the energetic particles that emerge from our sun. In fact, the particles that make up these streams of energy have around 10 million times the energy of particles accelerated in the most extreme particle environment on earth, the human-made Large Hadron Collider.

Where does all that energy come from? For many years, scientists believed it came from shocks that occur in extreme astrophysical environments—when, for example, a star explodes before forming a black hole, causing a huge explosion that kicks up particles.

That theory was plausible, but, according to new research published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, the observations are better explained by a different mechanism. The source of the cosmic rays' energy, the researchers found, is more likely magnetic turbulence. The paper's authors found that magnetic fields in these environments tangle and turn, rapidly accelerating particles and sharply increasing their energy up to an abrupt cutoff.

"These findings help solve enduring questions that are of great interest to both astrophysicists and particle physicists about how these cosmic rays get their energy," said Luca Comisso, associate research scientist in the Columbia Astrophysics Lab, and one of the paper's authors.

The paper complements research published by Comisso and collaborators on the sun's energetic particles, which they also found emerge from magnetic fields in the sun's corona. In that paper, Comisso and his colleagues discovered ways to better predict where those energetic particles would emerge.

Ultra-high energy cosmic rays are orders of magnitude more powerful than the sun's energetic particles: They can reach up to 1020 electron volts, whereas particles from the sun can reach up to 1010 electron volts, a 10-order-of-magnitude difference. (To give an idea of this vast difference in scale, consider the difference in weight between a grain of rice with a mass of about 0.05 grams and a 500-ton Airbus A380, the world's largest passenger aircraft.)

"It's interesting that these two extremely different environments share something in common: their magnetic fields are highly tangled and this tangled nature is crucial for energizing particles," Comisso said.

"Remarkably, the data on ultra-high energy cosmic rays clearly prefers the predictions of magnetic turbulence over those of shock acceleration. This is a real breakthrough for the field," said Glennys R. Farrar, an author on the paper and professor of physics at New York University.

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by Chuck

Sunday, December 8, 2024

 Carbon Nanotubes Store Triple the Energy of Lithium Batteries


Scanning electron microscope images show some carbon nanotube “ropes” subjected to different twist strains. 
Credit: In-situ micrographs observed by Preety Ahuja

New research shows that twisted carbon nanotubes can store high densities of energy to power sensors or other technology.

Researchers have discovered that twisted carbon nanotubes can store triple the energy of lithium-ion batteries per unit mass, making them ideal for lightweight and safe energy storage applications like medical implants.

Groundbreaking Energy Storage Research

A global team of scientists, including two researchers from the Center for Advanced Sensor Technology (CAST) at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), has demonstrated that twisted carbon nanotubes can store three times more energy per unit mass than advanced lithium-ion batteries. This breakthrough positions carbon nanotubes as a promising solution for energy storage in lightweight, compact, and safe devices like medical implants and sensors. The findings were recently published in Nature Nanotechnology.

The study was a collaborative effort among four institutions, led by Shigenori Utsumi from Suwa University of Science in Chino, Japan, Katsumi Kaneko from Shinshu University in Nagano, Japan, and Sanjeev Kumar Ujjain from CAST. Kumar Ujjain began the project at Shinshu University and continued his work after joining UMBC in 2022. Preety Ahuja, also from CAST, played a key role in the material characterization phase of the research.

Innovative Properties of Carbon Nanotubes

The researchers studied single-walled carbon nanotubes, which are like straws made from pure carbon sheets only 1 atom thick. Carbon nanotubes are lightweight, relatively easy to manufacture, and about 100 times stronger than steel. Their amazing properties have led scientists to explore their potential use in a wide range of futuristic-sounding technology, including space elevators.

To investigate carbon nanotubes’ potential for storing energy, the UMBC researchers and their colleagues manufactured carbon nanotube “ropes” from bundles of commercially available nanotubes. After pulling and twisting the tubes into a single thread, the researchers then coated them with different substances intended to increase the ropes’ strength and flexibility.

Impressive Energy Storage Capabilities

The team tested how much energy the ropes could store by twisting them up and measuring the energy that was released as the ropes unwound. They found that the best-performing ropes could store 15,000 times more energy per unit mass than steel springs, and about three times more energy than lithium-ion batteries. The stored energy remains consistent and accessible at temperatures ranging from -76 to +212 °F (-60 to +100 °C). The materials in the carbon nanotube ropes are also safer for the human body than those used in batteries.

“Humans have long stored energy in mechanical coil springs to power devices such as watches and toys,” Kumar Ujjain says. “This research shows twisted carbon nanotubes have great potential for mechanical energy storage, and we are excited to share the news with the world.” He says the CAST team is already working to incorporate twisted carbon nanotubes as an energy source for a prototype sensor they are developing.

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Friday, December 6, 2024

Breakthrough Material Perfectly Absorbs All Electromagnetic Waves


Researchers have created an ultra-thin film that can absorb almost all electromagnetic waves across several frequency bands, significantly boosting the performance of wireless communication devices. (Artist’s concept.) 

A new composite material developed by KIMS researchers absorbs over 99% of electromagnetic waves from different frequencies, improving the performance of devices like smartphones and wearables.

A team of scientists from the Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS) has developed the world’s first ultra-thin film composite material capable of absorbing over 99% of electromagnetic waves from various frequency bands, including 5G/6G, WiFi, and autonomous driving radar, using a single material.

This novel electromagnetic wave absorption and shielding material is less than 0.5mm thick and is characterized by its low reflectance of less than 1% and high absorbance of over 99% across three different frequency bands.

A conceptual diagram of the electromagnetic wave absorption and shielding material developed by the research team, along with the designed conductive pattern. 
Credit: Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS)

Challenges in Electromagnetic Wave Absorption

Electromagnetic waves emitted by electronic components can cause interference, leading to performance degradation in nearby electronic devices. Electromagnetic shielding materials are used to prevent this, and absorbing electromagnetic waves is more effective at reducing interference than merely reflecting them. However, conventional electromagnetic shielding materials reflect over 90% of the waves, with an actual absorbance often as low as 10%. Moreover, materials with higher absorbance are typically limited to absorbing electromagnetic waves within a single frequency band.

Advancements in Multi-Frequency Absorption

To overcome these limitations, the research team developed a composite material that can absorb electromagnetic waves across multiple frequency bands simultaneously. This technology absorbs and eliminates electromagnetic waves, resolving secondary interference issues. The material is also thin, flexible, and durable enough to maintain its shape even after being folded and unfolded thousands of times, making it suitable for rollable phones and wearable devices.

The electromagnetic wave absorption and shielding material developed by the research team, showing its thin and flexible form & its shape remaining intact even after 5,000 bending tests. 
Credit: Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS)

Enhancements in Material Technology and Applications

The team, led by Dr. Byeongjin Park and Dr. Sang Bok Lee from the Composites & Convergence Materials Research Division at KIMS, synthesized a magnetic material by altering the crystal structure of ferrite, enabling it to selectively absorb desired frequencies. They produced an ultra-thin polymer composite film and incorporated conductive patterns on the film’s back side to control the propagation of electromagnetic waves. By adjusting the shape of the conductive pattern, electromagnetic wave reflection at specific frequencies can be dramatically reduced. A carbon nanotube thin film with high shielding properties was also applied to the back to further enhance the material’s electromagnetic wave shielding capabilities.

Senior Researcher Byeongjin Park of KIMS, who led the project, commented, “As the applications of 5G/6G communications continue to expand, the importance of electromagnetic wave absorption and shielding materials is growing.” He added, “This material has the potential to significantly improve the reliability of wireless communication devices such as smartphones and autonomous vehicle radars.”

Reference: “Absorption-Dominant Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Shielding across Multiple mmWave Bands Using Conductive Patterned Magnetic Composite and Double-Walled Carbon Nanotube Film” by Byeongjin Park, Sosan Hwang, Horim Lee, Yeonsu Jung, Taehoon Kim, Suk Jin Kwon, Dawoon Jung and Sang-bok Lee, 28 May 2024, Advanced Functional Materials.
DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202406197

This research was funded by KIMS’ fundamental research projects and the Electromagnetic Solution Integrated Research Group (SEIF) under the National Research Council of Science & Technology. The findings were published as the cover article in the October 1st edition of the internationally renowned journal Advanced Functional Materials (first author: Dr. Byeongjin Park). The research team has completed domestic patent registration and has also applied for patents in the U.S., China, and other countries. Additionally, the technology has been transferred to several domestic material companies, and it is currently being applied to actual communication devices and automobiles.

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