Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Clown World: Canadian Cancer Society Claims Men Without Cervixes Can Get Cervical Cancer

Clown World: Canadian Cancer Society Claims Men Without Cervixes Can Get Cervical Cancer

Portrait of a transgender smiling
Transgender person via Getty Images.
There is no explanation for the following story but mass hysteria, which is a phenomenon where a large group of people can hallucinate the same delusion all at once. That’s exactly what is happening with the trans-hysterical movement in Western countries. Take Canada for example. These people north of our border have lost their minds, and I don’t mean just random folks, but major institutions like the Canadian Cancer Society.
A new ad campaign to fight cervical cancer is dominated by a transgender person who is a biological male and has no cervix. Look at the absurdity of the ad under the caption "Transwomen and Cervical Cancer Screening".
Credit Canadian Cancer Society Website screenshot
The site goes onto claim that the risk of cervical cancer for a person with no cervix is very low. “If you’re a trans woman, you may not have given much thought to Pap tests and cervical cancer. And if you haven’t, that makes a fair amount of sense. After all, in order to get cervical cancer, you need to have a cervix.” But don’t be fooled by the seeming clarity of this statement. They go on to talk themselves out of it.
“If, however, you’re a trans woman who has had bottom surgery to create a vagina (vaginoplasty) and possibly a cervix, there’s a very small risk that you can develop cancer in the tissues of your neo-vagina or neo-cervix. The risk depends on the type of surgery you had, the type of tissue used to create your vagina and cervix and your personal health history. Talk to your healthcare provider to figure out your specific cancer-screening needs as part of your overall pelvic health following surgery.”
A "neo-cervix" is a fake cervix. It’s not a working body part. It’s a false representation of a cervix created on an operating table. Calling it a “cervix” or even a “neo-cervix” doesn’t make it an actual cervix. And because it is not a cervix, there is no way in hell it can contract cervical cancer. A "cancer" society should know that.
Telling the public that biological men can get “cervical cancer” on a part of their body that was Frankensteined to look like a cervix is ridiculous. And let’s not forget that Canada uses a single-payer health care system where long wait times cause many unnecessary deaths and suffering. How many actual women with female organs will now suffer because their “women’s” health screenings are clogged up by biological men who don’t need to get them?
In England, the public health department included biological men who pretend to be women in their cervical cancer screenings too if they identify as female. And if females identify as male, they will not be invited to be screened for cervical cancer despite having working cervixes. The Sun reported in 2017,
Women’s campaigner Laura Perrins told the Mail On Sunday: “We’ve now got to the point where state collusion with this transgender agenda is endangering the health of women.
“It’s a ludicrous use of NHS resources to invite men for a cervical smear test, while it’s immoral and dangerous not to invite women.”
The world is truly insane.
PJ Media reached out to the Canadian Cancer Society to ask for the medical research to back up their claim for the need to screen men without cervixes for cervical cancer. Rosie Hales responded, "If a trans woman has had bottom surgery, then it is possible to get cancer in the tissues of their neo-vagina or neo-cervix. This is not the same cancer type as cervical cancer, but is similar to how anyone can develop cancer in any tissue in their body."
This confirms that biological men cannot get cervical cancer and also raises the question of whether or not gynecologists are even trained to examine the surgically created cavities that result after "bottom surgeries." Does a pap smear even catch carcinomas or skin cancers? Wouldn't a skin cancer screening best be done by a dermatologist or other transgender specialist familiar with the common issues people who have undergone that procedure would face?
But don't expect these facts to change the language of politically correct institutions hell-bent on lying to people about humanity. They'll continue telling biological men they can get "cervical cancer," and sending them to women's health providers, who may or may not be prepared to help them, because it's not about health. It's about the narrative, science be damned.
Megan Fox is the author of “Believe Evidence; The Death of Due Process from Salome to #MeToo.” Follow on Twitter @MeganFoxWriter

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