Thursday, September 2, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210902 - Space Weather, Solar Climate Forcing & Human Health

SPACE - S0 - 20210902 - Space Weather, Solar Climate Forcing & Human Health

Good Morning, 0bservers!

First, the good news. Looks like the NOAA prediction of a geomagnetic storm overnight didn't materialize. KP-Index readings stayed pretty low, with a KP-0 and KP-1 instead of the KP-5 and KP-6 they forecast. Now, it might sneak in there later today, but at this point I'd be surprised if it did.

Now, the other good news. A pretty quiet day on ol'Sol during the period. Solar Wind speeds stayed low all through yesterday and this morning, riding the 320-340 KPS range until around 0800 UTC when it actually dropped below 310 KPS. Particle Density was amazingly stable, but we did see a bit of a drop in Temperature around 0830-0900 UTC to 4900°K. There were a couple of Bt/Bz polarity collisions at 1100 UTC and again just before 0800 UTC, which scrambled and shifted the Phi Angle from 350° to 150°. The Magnetometer is back to its nominal sine wave pattern, and the Proton Flux is steady as a rock, but we're still seeing the Electron Flux cresting over the alert threshold, although not as high or as long as a couple days ago. The X-Ray Flux chart did show a second low Class C flare around 1300 UTC, but it then dropped to the lower-to-mid Class B levels for the background radiation, with a few bumps and spikes in the mix. The morning Class C flare from yesterday was a pop from the new sunspot group in the Northeast (it didn't have time to make it the loop before the report) and the later one showed up on the departing sunspot group in the Southwest, throwing a very small bit of ejecta out ahead of our orbit. And it appears we have a new sunspot group building up. Noticed it on the Solar Visible Light loop, and then confirmed it on the Magnetogram. It's in the Southeast midlatitudes at least a day or so behind the coronal hole system (which is just passing the midpoint now). It does have at least Beta complexity and it's growing fast, so keep an eye on this one.
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