Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Defense News: Karil starts marketing light weapon suppressors in Israel

Karil starts marketing light weapon suppressors in Israel

The Israeli security forces have already begun examining the company's products, especially the Sinter Titanium suppressor

ByEyal Boguslavsky, Israel Defense, 15/11/2022 


                   the Sinter Titanium suppressor Photo: Radical Defense website

The Israeli company "Karil", which represents a number of leading companies in the defense sector, announced that it has begun to represent in Israel the American company Radical Firearms, which specializes in the development and production of suppressors (silencers) for light weapons.

      the Sinter Titanium suppressor mounted on a US Army M4 rifle, Photo by Staff Sgt. Alan Brutus

Karil stated that the Israeli security forces have already begun examining the company's products, especially the Sinter Titanium suppressor.

Radical Firearms SINTER Titanium multi-caliber suppressor

According Radical Firearms, utilizing the most cutting-edge technologies in 3D Additive Manufacturing, the SINTER is one of the lightest, most durable suppressors on the market. Tested on everything from .22 WMR to 300 WM, all calibers are hearing safe.

The internal design creates a robust super structure unachievable through traditional manufacturing methods. Constructed wholly of Titanium 6Al-4V, the SINTER has a high strength-to-weight ratio creating a durable and the lightest weight suppressor for everyday use.

Introducing the SINTER Titanium suppressor!

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