Friday, July 22, 2022

Capturing an Eagle at Waterloo

Household Cavalry Museum
July 20, 2022

For the first time in two centuries a Napoleonic Eagle captured on the battlefield at Waterloo has been reunited with the long-lost medal of the soldier who won it. Here General Barney White-Spunner, Waterloo expert, author and former Household Cavalry commander, tells us how the eagle was captured, who captured it and why it remains important to this day. 

The Household Cavalry Museum will officially reopen this summer championing this Waterloo story and many others in a new exhibition from 21st June to 26th September. We'll be putting on special Waterloo walking tours, activity trails and special events. The new exhibition will explore the courage, carnage and controversies of Wellington’s cavalry at a battle which secured almost a century of peace in Europe.

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