Saturday, July 9, 2022

Defense News: Oshkosh to produce hundreds more JLTV armored vehicles


Oshkosh to produce hundreds more JLTV armored vehicles

The $216 Million order is for U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, and the Armed Forces of Montenegro, Brazil, and Lithuania

By Eyal Boguslavsky, Israel Defense, 07/07/22

Standard 2 door Oshkosh JLTV fitted with a 0.5" machine gun

The U.S. Army granted Oshkosh Defense a $216 Million order for 513 Joint Light Tactical Vehicles (JLTVs) and 1,152 trailers (JLTV-T) for the U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, and the Armed Forces of Montenegro, Brazil, and Lithuania.

Oshkosh Defense prepares to test 25mm chain gun aboard a JLTV light tactical vehicle

According to Oshkosh Defense, the order announcement comes just a month before the follow-on contract proposals are due. The contract calls for more than 15,000 additional vehicles over five order years followed by five option years, extending the associated production through 2034. The contract is expected to be awarded during the first quarter of 2023.

The up-gunned four-door version of JLTV also is being pitched to the U.S. Marine Corps and Army as a retrofit kit for their trucks, said George Mansfield, Vice President and General Manager of Joint Programs at Oshkosh Defense. It consists of a JLTV with a new bolted-on roof that accepts a John Cockerill Protected Weapons Station (CPWS) armed with an M242 25mm Bushmaster chain gun.

To date, Oshkosh Defense has also built almost 17,000 vehicles and delivered them to over 50 locations worldwide.