Monday, August 2, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210802 - Magnetic Biology, Solar Cycle Progression, Nova Jumpers

SPACE - S0 - 20210802 - Magnetic Biology, Solar Cycle Progression, Nova Jumpers

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Space weather remains in an overall calm state. Solar Wind Speeds continued their slow decline all through yesterday and this morning, dropping below the 400 KPS level around 0300 UTC with the current range 370-390 KPS. We did see a brief dip down to 350 KPS around 0930 UTC. Particle Density, on the other hand, started a precipitous rise around 0800 UTC. Temperatures were riding just under the 5000°K line through most of yesterday, but then briefly popped above it around 0600 UTC before dropping to around 4100°K at 0930 UTC. Phi Angle readings were not too variable, but two Bt/Bz polarity collisions at 1000 and 1200 UTC did cause a pretty sharp shift. The Phi Angle dis restabilize a few hours later, with a new "skip" coming around 0930. Bt/Bz readings beyond the collisions had the positive polarity mostly steady with the negative more variable, but both started a precipitous rise above the zero-line a short while ago. The KP-Index was quite calm, with only a single KP-2 reading at 0300 UTC Sunday followed by mostly KP-1s and a couple of KP-0s scattered in for good measure. The Magnetometer's sine wave pattern is shallowing again for the last two days, so we should see another day of that before the high/low kicks in. Electron Flux and Proton Flux readings are steady and nominal. X-Ray Flux readings did show a flare on Saturday mid-afternoon UTC with a slow/steady decline into early Sunday morning. There haven't been any further flares, and the background radiation is only slightly higher than before the spike. This morning's ENLIL Spiral is showing a slight CME "ptoo" (yes, that is a scientific term) heading out well ahead of our orbit. It doesn't appear to be visible on any of the video loops, but I did see it on the LASCO C3 as broad and quite diffuse. However, what IS visible at 173Å is a rather large Northern polar coronal hole, which has connected to another hole trailing down to the mid-latitudes. There's also a further hole South of the equator with a third (fourth?) hole about two days behind it. That one is just ahead of a couple of new bright spots which are just crossing the Eastern lim. Because of those coronal holes, there's an elevated earthquake risk for the next couple of days, but I'm not seeing any forecast from NOAA for elevated particle density or KP-Index warnings.
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A new video from Suspicious0bservers, "Geomagnetic Climate Science | Mini Info Nugget". It's less than three minutes, but it's packed with some pretty solid information.
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