Friday, August 6, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210806 - Atlantic Shutdown Confirmed, X-Ray Rings, New Planet

SPACE - S0 - 20210806 - Atlantic Shutdown Confirmed, X-Ray Rings, New Planet

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar wind speeds remained quite low throughout the period, in the 280-300 KPS range for most of yesterday, rising to the 300-320 KPS range around 0300 UTC. Particle Density followed the same path, steady all day and night, and rising slightly about a half an hour before the wind speed had its bump. Not so the Temperature chart, it didn't change a whit, staying in the 5200°K-5300°K range starting around 0800 UTC yesterday. The Phi Angle was a bit more discombobulated (yes, that is a scientific term) but not wildly so. Driven, as usual, by occasional polarity collisions in the Bt/Bz chart followed by wide gaps in polarity. The last three collisions were at 0400/0800/1000 UTC. Haven't yet seen that expected bump in the KP-Index readings, with yesterday predominated by KP-0s. There were a few KP-1s thrown in, and we have had a KP-2 bracketed by KP-1s since 0300 UTC. Those elevated levels may yet occur, so we'll keep Eyes 0pen on that one. Magnetometer readings were nominal, with the sine wave pattern pretty close to the previous day. Proton Flux levels are nominal, but we did have another small breach of the Alert Threshold again on the Electron Flux chart from 1300-1900 UTC before going back below the line. No real flares or spikes on the X-Ray Flux chart, just a couple little bumps into lower Class B. However, the background radiation has now risen out of Class A range. The remaining portion of the Southern coronal hole is now passing central heliographic longitude, but I'm seeing a new one forming even further South at about 70°, so considering our current elevation above the ecliptic, I think we're okay on that one unless it starts to build Northward. Still seeing that trailing sunspot in the South moving inward, but no crackles or flashes coming from it. I think there's a good chance of a new Northern sunspot at the Eastern Lim, however, considering the glow, and the prominences showing up at 304Å. The ENLIL Spiral is showing a wide vector of stellar flatulence moving well ahead of Earth's orbit, so we should be able to avoid the stink from that one. That said, the ACE ENLIL Spiral over at NOAA shows no such ejecta, so again it's hard to tell which is accurate here. The LASCO C3 shows three distinct outward jets from the Western side of the sun, and two smaller ones from the Eastern lim. The Magnetogram is showing that Southern sunspot has stretched latitudinally but still remains at a Beta to Beta-Delta complexity level. However, I'm seeing a very small group of Alpha to Beta magnetic grouping in the North, just above the equator and a little West of the midpoint heading out. We'll have to see what this one does over the next few days.
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