Thursday, August 5, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210805 - Major Climate Bombshell, The Other Nova, Journal Shame

SPACE - S0 - 20210805 - Major Climate Bombshell, The Other Nova, Journal Shame

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Pretty quiet again up on ol' Sol yesterday, with solar winds remaining calm. They peaked just under 350 KPS around 0800 UTC yesterday and moved steadily downward, hitting a nadir of 280 KPS just before 0900 UTC before hopping back up to around 300 KPS. Particle Density also trended downward yesterday, but since midnight UTC it has made a very slow rise. Temperatures took a significant drop by almost a thousand degrees Kelvin around 1800, dropping below 4000°K, then fluctuating between there and 4400°K, but it dropped to a low of about 3700°K twice (2300 UTC and 0500 UTC) before climbing back to a current 4300°K. Bt/Bz polarities stayed quite close, clashing several times, which caused some early (and minor) Phi Angle instability, but that seemed to calm down around 1300 UTC and has stayed relatively stable since then. The KP-Index looks like a downward staircase, with three KP-2s, then three KP-1s, and finishing out the chart with five KP-0s. NOAA is forecasting a possible minor geomagnetic storm (KP-4) in the early morning hours of Friday, but that's incoming the coronal stream. Might even see a KP-6 over the weekend. The Magnetometer's sine wave pattern is nominal, but slightly higher than yesterday's rather shallow readings. The Proton Flux is also nominal, but the Electron Flux levels did briefly cross the Alert Threshold around 1700 UTC, and it may do that again today if the current trend line continues. No major spikes on the X-Ray Flux chart, just a few short bumps into or slightly above Class B, with a slightly lower background radiation level. The second portion of that Southern coronal hole system is crossing the midpoint right now, and its latitudinal structure suggests it'll be doing that for at least another day. Seeing a lot of glow along the Eastern lim, both North and South, and there's also a bright spot about 20° South of the equator that's incoming as well. LASCO C3 is showing no active ejections, but the Western lim is showing a continuing bright area at the equator and around 50° South, both pointing ahead of Earth's orbit. The Magnetogram is showing Beta complexity at a minimum on that new sunspot group, and the departing Southern group approaching the Western lim appears to be destabilizing (but is still magnetically complex, so it might have a nasty surprise once it crosses to the "dark" side of the Sun).
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A new video from Suspicious0bservers, "THE SIGNS | The Disaster Timeline".
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