Wednesday, July 22, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20200722 - M7.8 Earthquake, A Proper Sunspot, eBOSS

SPACE - S0 - 20200722 - M7.8 Earthquake, A Proper Sunspot, eBOSS

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Looks like solar magnetism FINALLY stabilized after several days of some pretty wild shifts, now sitting at around 100° polarity since midnight. The result was a mild rise in particle density, but the solar wind speed dropped below 300 KPS around 0300 after topping out yesterday at almost 370 KPS. The KP-Index stayed on the deck (3rd day) with mostly KP-1 readings (a KP-0 snuck in there before midnight). Haven't seen a Zero Day Alert yet, but if this keeps up we probably will. Hopefully we'll catch the breeze from the weekend coronal hole streams to blow away the Cosmic Ray risk. The X-Ray Flux is still slightly elevated into the Class A range, probably due to that bright spot at about 30° on the Southeast lim. Saw some sparks and surges from that cluster, and a solar disc view shows there is an actual sunspot underneath. It's big, but it is not magnetically complex - not YET, anyway. A couple of coronal holes approaching the midpoint at or just South of the equator, and the polar holes are still active. There was another string of blot echo activity on the lithosphere, but we saw a pretty strong quake (Mag 7.8, downgraded later to 7.4) South of Alaska, with a Mag 5.8 aftershock, as well as a Mag 5.1 off Vanuatu after a long series of blot echos over the last 36 hours.
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