Wednesday, July 7, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210707 - Nova Fiasco Continues, Rogue Planets, FireWater

SPACE - S0 - 20210707 - Nova Fiasco Continues, Rogue Planets, FireWater

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar winds continued their upward climb through most of yesterday, peaking out at 400 KPS around 2000 UTC and again at 0400 UTC before beginning a sharp drop to its current 320-330 KPS range. Looks like the sharp drop was matched by a rapid increase in Particle Density around 0730 UTC, while temperatures also dropped precipitously about an hour later. Looks like all of this was driven by a rapid closing of the Bt/Bz gap, not quite a polarity collision but damn close. It disrupted the Phi Angle briefly, and probably will again despite spending most of yesterday relatively steady. The KP-Index calmed somewhat in the evening to KP-1 and KP-2 levels but we may see that shift in the next couple of readings back to KP-3. The Magnetometer is nominal, as are the Proton Flux and Electron Flux charts. There were two minor spikes yesterday evening on the X-Ray Flux, just barely reaching into Class C flare range, while the background radiation level is now in the lower third of Class B. There are a couple new coronal holes in the South, one smaller one just crossing the center line, and a much larger complex about 36 hours behind it. That one may try to connect with the South polar hole, making it span the entire hemisphere. The ENLIL spiral showed a pretty energetic CME leaving the West (right) side of the solar disc, but I didn't see anything on the LASCO C3 to match it. It's either a late prediction from that CME from Monday, or the expulsion was behind the Earth-facing side and it didn't show up on the loops. No new sunspot groups showing on the Magnetogram, but the smaller of the two in the North should be crossing the midpoint later today, and it definitely has Beta-Delta complexity. Eyes 0pen, folks...
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