Thursday, July 22, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210722 - Satellites Glitching, Earthquake Signals, Magnetosense

SPACE - S0 - 20210722 - Satellites Glitching, Earthquake Signals, Magnetosense

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar wind speeds peaked out near 550 KPS twice yesterday, at 0800 UTC and 1400 UTC, before starting a downward trend to 450 KPS by midnight UTC. It did bump back up to 500 KPS two hours later, but since then it's dropped to the 420-440 KPS range. Particle Density had a few ups and downs, but nothing drastic, and Temperatures which peaked at 6000°K early yesterday are now in the 4100°K-4800°K range. The Phi Angle spent most of the morning and early afternoon scrambled, but seemed to stabilize around 1600 UTC along the 150° line, before starting to destabilize again this morning around 0600 UTC. Other than those polarity collisions yesterday before noon UTC, the Bt/Bz has been showing an ever widening gap. Had our first minor geomagnetic storm (KP-4) on the KP-Index at 0900 UTC, which was a bit of a surprise considering most of the readings prior were in the KP-2 range. Wasn't forecast by NASA, either, and it's not even on this morning's breakdown. However, they are predicting a pair of KP-5 (level-one geomagnetic storm) hits late Friday night, followed by three KP-4s before calming back into the green. The GOES Magnetometer took an odd hit with a ZERO nT reading coming in around 1500-1600 UTC, and it buggered up a couple other charts as well, but oddly enough there wasn't any alert notification from it, so it may have just been a glitch. Hopefully the video will have more detail on it. Otherwise, the sine wave pattern was nominal, as were the Proton Flux and Electron Flux charts. Since the X-Ray Flux chart is also GOES, there was a two-hour gap in X-Ray readings, but there were two spikes just into the lowest Class C flare range bracketing that gap. Background radiation has lessened from yesterday, moving into the lower Class B range. The ENLIL Spiral is showing a CME double shockwave projecting out from yesterday, but it's well behind Earth's orbit. However, the WSA-ENLIL spiral is showing a glancing blow to Earth (hence the KP-5 forecasts above). The SDO video loops show that it probably came from that pop out of the Northeast sunspot group around 1800 UTC on Tuesday. Unfortunately, SDO did another orientation correction yesterday around 1300 UTC, messing up the views in the loops for several hours, but I couldn't see any new activity or imminent risks. That said, the LASCO C-3 loop is showing a minor ejection coming from the Southwest lim. It may be from behind the Earth-facing disc, though. The Magnetogram is a busy mess, showing a lot of complex sunspot groups both above and below the equator, incoming and outgoing. It's gonna be a busy weekend...
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