Saturday, July 10, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210710 - Earth Rotation Speed, Sunspots, Coronal Hole, X-Rays

SPACE - S0 - 20210710 - Earth Rotation Speed, Sunspots, Coronal Hole, X-Rays 

Good Morning, 0bservers!


Quick Note: I'll be On-Call next week, so I won't be posting anything until Tuesday, July 20th (my sister's birthday!), so don't let the sun go out while I'm gone, 'kay?

Solar wind speeds jumped just before 0800 UTC from 320 KPS to 400 KPS, after spending most of yesterday in the 300-340 KPS range. It did increase to 360 KPS around 2200 UTC for a couple of hours and then calmed before the jump. Particle density was up a bit but it didn't have a sharp drop before the speed increase. Temperatures really had a leap from 4300°K to about 5400°K at the same time as the speed change. Looks like this was driven by a polarity collision on the Bt/Bz chart, which destabilized the Phi Angle at that point. Frankly, though, the Phi Angle was hardly "stable" yesterday. The KP-Index did pop up a bit to KP-3 at 0300 UTC, but that was still in the green zone and it's back in the KP-1 to KP-2 range. Magnetometer readings show a nominal sine wave, but it's probably going to flatten out over the next two days before cycling back. Proton Flux and Electron Flux levels remain nominal. There were several spikes on the X-Ray Flux Charts over the last 36 hours into the higher Class C range, but were followed by a few limp Class B spikes. We're also seeing background radiation dropping down to the upper Class A range. By the bye, those Class C flares were pointing AWAY from Earth, bursting from the departing sunspot groups as they passed the lim. There was also a pretty heavy CME from that activity, but again it was pointing away from Earth and well ahead of our orbit. The LASCO C3 video loop showed three distinct ejections, all from the same area. The major coronal hole in the South is now passing through the midpoint and will continue to do so - it's a big'un (yes, that is a scientific term - at the Larry the Cable Guy Institute of Technology and Hog-Calling, anyway) that extends from pole to equator, and it is pretty wide to boot. The Magnetogram is showing a small but magnetically complex sunspot in the Southeast, approaching the midpoint, but we'll have to see a lot more development from that before it becomes a serious risk.
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A new video from Suspicious0bservers, "6000 Year Disaster Cycle"
Please Recommend this page and be sure to follow the Sputnik's Orbit 


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