Friday, July 23, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210723 - Here We Go Again, EFSQ, Mars Quakes

SPACE - S0 - 20210723 - Here We Go Again, EFSQ, Mars Quakes

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar winds calmed down a bit more from yesterday, but you couldn't tell that from the DSCOVR charts. They seem to be "stuck" in the past with no new updates. Luckily the ACE satellite seems to be working, although their charts are harder to read. That said, we're currently in the 350-370 KPS range after a steady decline from the 480 KPS range yesterday. Particle Density remained marginally elevated but there were no grand drops or jumps there. Temperatures took a steady fall to a current 4700°K after rising around noon UTC to over 5300°K. The (very) wide gap in the Bt/Bz polarities finally came back together starting around noon UTC and began a series of polarity collisions after 1700 UTC, which destabilized the Phi Angle. We're not getting updates on the KP-Index, same as the DSCOVR satellite charts, so we're going to be flying blind until they get that up and running again. Remember, NOAA is predicting a couple KP-5 hits late tonight. Those glitches on the GOES satellite seem to have abated, and the Magnetometer is showing a shallow sine-wave. Still nominal, though, as are the Proton Flux and Electron Flux readings. The X-Ray Flux also looks to be calmer today, with only a few bumps in the X-Ray road up to mid-Class B, and a continuing slow decline in the background radiation levels. There are a couple of very small pops visible on the video loops at 193Å, as well as a "poof" along the Southeast incoming lim, but it appears they were intra-atmospheric. Nothing showed as an ejection on LASCO C3. The Magnetogram is showing the smaller sunspot group in the North just passing the midpoint, with the larger and more complex Northern sunspot group about two days behind, and the Southern ones a further one to three days behind that.
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