Monday, July 26, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210726 - Odd Land Movement, Nova Evidence, Disaster Cycle

SPACE - S0 - 20210726 - Odd Land Movement, Nova Evidence, Disaster Cycle

Good Morning, 0bservers!

We're continuing to see odd readings from the DSCOVR satellite. Saturday between 0500UTC and 1000 UTC showed major drops in Temperature, Particle Density, and Solar Wind Speed that jumped right back up to "normal" (pre-drop) readings. Yesterday had major fluctuations in wind speeds between 300-475 KPS for nearly three hours starting at 0400 UTC with no corresponding changes in Particle Density. And this morning at around 0630, we saw a brief jump again from 320 KPS to 450 KPS before returning to around 330 KPS by 1000 UTC. That one at least showed a strong dip in Particle Density (and a jittery one as well) and some pretty strong Temperature fluctuations to boot. The Phi Angle is pretty jumbled right now, partly due to a polarity collision on the Bt/Bz chart around 0400 UTC (which is not the same time as the other foibles on the other charts). Just an FYI, the ACE charts shoed none of these errors or anomalies. Weirdness... The "good" news is that we seem to have been missed by that potential glancing blow from the CME the other day, as the KP-Index has remained well entrenched in the green zone with mostly KP-1 readings.  We've seen three straight days of normal sine wave activity from the GOES Magnetometer, so we should be building up for a high/low day today or tomorrow. Proton Flux and Electron Flux charts remain nominal. The X-Ray Flux levels are pretty low for the recent past, with background radiation riding the Class B flare line. There were only a couple of very small sparks into perhaps Class B-1 energies. However, I am seeing a pretty solid CME heading out ahead of Earth's orbit on the ENLIL spiral. That's not reflected on any of the video loops, however, nor the LASCO C3, and the WSA-ENLIL projection hasn't been updated since Saturday. Go figure. The Magnetogram is showing two sunspot groups, North and South, crossing the midpoint at this moment, with a larger Southern group less than a day behind. 
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A new video from Suspicious0bservers, "Who Remembers The Yellow Sun?". [Uh, Superman, maybe?]
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