Thursday, July 8, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210708 - Saturn Life, Chemtrails, Snowball Earth, Magnetism

SPACE - S0 - 20210708 - Saturn Life, Chemtrails, Snowball Earth, Magnetism

Good Morning, 0bservers!

All's (mostly) Quiet On The Heliographic Front, folks. Solar wind speeds have calmed back down after yesterday's jumpy start to the 300-320 KPS range this morning, with one odd anomaly on the chart. A brief spike in speed up to almost 460 KPS at around 0900 UTC, with similar perturbations on the other charts as well. Ben suggested this is a simple error on the satellite itself, as it's not replicated in a similar chart on NOAA. Particle density has dropped a bit, and Temperatures have crossed above 5000K after spending most of yesterday a thousand degrees cooler.  The Phi Angle finally settled down around 1800 UTC, but while there are no collisions on the Bt/Bz chart there have been some pretty wide gaps in the polarity that then close up rapidly. The KP-Index is green with just KP-1s and KP-2s. Magnetometer, Proton Flux and Electron Flux charts show nominal. Even the X-Ray Flux isn't all that bad, with a couple spikes or surges into high-Class B territory, while the background radiation has moved to the bottom of that range. The coronal hole just South of the equator has passed the centerline (and pretty much collapsed) but the larger hole to the East of it has connected with the pole and expanded from yesterday. The one Northern sunspot is just now passing the midpoint as well. 
Please Recommend this page and be sure to follow the Sputnik's Orbit 


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