Tuesday, November 19, 2019

SPACE - S0 - 20191119 - Watery Moon, Climate, Orion Fields, Galactic Nucleus

SPACE - S0 - 20191119 - Watery Moon, Climate, Orion Fields, Galactic Nucleus

Good Morning, Observers!


Got an alert on my phone about an hour before the video dropped, the KP index was mostly around KP-0 for the last 30 hours, with only a couple KP-1s, so the average was KP-0.83. Keep an eye out for cardiac, immunodeficiency and psychiatric patients/issues as this goes along As you'd expect, solar winds have been really low, in the 340 KPS range. There was at least one cosmic ray spike on the detectors. The bright spot doesn't appear to have popped off in the last 24 hours and it has passed the midpoint, but it should still be watched for at least the next 36 hours, until it is at a point where a burst will NOT reach Earth. There was a shallow (14 KM) Mag 5.9 in the Philippines, damage and casualties.

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