Tuesday, December 10, 2019

SPACE - S0 - 20191210 - Ultrasonic Scream, CME Erupts, GOES Super Chemistry

SPACE - S0 - 20191210 - Ultrasonic Scream, CME Erupts, GOES Super Chemistry

Good Morning, Observers!

The KP Index remained low yesterday, but rose before midnight (UTC) to fluctuate between KP-1 to KP-2.This was due to a rise in solar wind speed from a low of 340 KPS to around 440 KPS. There was a strong Phi-angle shift around the time of the rise, again showing a sharp downward spike on the Magnetometer. High energy electron counts also dipped during that time frame. Those new coronal holes are almost at the midpoint, and a bright active region popped up just South of the equator, so eyes open on that one. Oh, and check out the CME from the upper Northern filament. It won't have an effect on Earth, but it is still a sight to see. There was a Mag 5.6 off New Caledonia, and a Mag 5.0 in New Zealand where the death toll in yesterday's volcanic eruption is fear to be 14 (6 confirmed, 8 missing and presumed dead).
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