Wednesday, December 25, 2019

SPACE - S0 - 20191225 - Cascadia Unstable, Galactic Superflare, Cosmic Ray Alert

SPACE - S0 - 20191225 - Cascadia Unstable, Galactic Superflare, Cosmic Ray Alert

Merry Christmas, Observers!

Solar winds dropped down to a low of 300 KPS yesterday afternoon, but after midnight UTC it slowly rose up to a current level of 350 KPS The KP Index has been at KP-0 for 21 hours now, so watch out for any Zero Day Alerts (get the Disaster Prediction app from Suspicious0bservers, it's worth it for this alone). Coronal holes, both North and South, crossed the meridian, but they're not what you'd call "organized" so I can't be sure of what we're going to end up with from those. That very active bright spot in the Southern hemisphere is getting closer to the midpoint (probably in 24-36 hours) and you can see magnetic prominences but (so far) no bursts or CMEs. This one, keep watch over, because it DOES have underlying sunspots. Another off-shore Canadian quake hit overnight, Mag 6.2, and in almost exactly the same spot, so there's something brewing down there and it ain't Maxwell House. Columbia got whacked with a series of quakes, at Mag 6.0 and 5.8 within 15 minutes of each other, with a 5.1 several hours later. And Argentina experienced a Mag 6.0 in the low velocity zone, a blot echo 560 KM deep. Busy day in the lithosphere, that's for sure!
Oh, here's yesterday's new video from Ben Davidson. Well worth a look...
Allow me to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas a Happy Hanukkah, a Happy New Year, and a Hearty Huevos Rancheros for our Spanish-speaking friends...
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