Wednesday, April 1, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20200401 - Hiding in Plain Sight, Big Earthquake, Floods

SPACE - S0 - 20200401 - Hiding in Plain Sight, Big Earthquake, Floods

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar winds stayed relatively high compared to Monday, with the speed peaking at around 530 KPS, but it has moved back and forth with a bit of a downward trend to a current 475 KPS. Density and temperature remained pretty steady throughout the last 24 hours, and there has been some magnetic instability but not at a critical level. The KP Index moved out of the minor storm range, staying in the KP-2 to KP-3 range. A small equatorial coronal hole just passed the midpoint, while the Southern polar hole remains large but with no northward growth. The bright spot in the Northern hemisphere remains active, but while the X-ray flux has remained in the lower part of the A-range the past couple of days, there don't appear to be an ejections from this one - well, not yet, anyway. The good news is that it appears there is NO magnetic complexity from the bright spot at present. Both cores are positive, instead of positive/negative, so the risk factor there is lower than you'd usually find. Still watching it closely. A more active lithosphere yesterday, with a Mg 5.4 along the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge, a Mag 5.2 about 80 miles NNW of the South Georgia/South Sandwich Islands, another Mag 5.2 about 175 miles West of Chile, and a surprising Mag 6.5 in Idaho, so it looks like those potato farmers will be harvesting hash browns... [thanks, you're a great crowd, I'll be here all week, try the tater tots, tip your spud staff]
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