Tuesday, April 14, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20200414 - Record Cold & Snow, Mantle Magnetic, King Nova?

SPACE - S0 - 20200414 - Record Cold & Snow, Mantle Magnetic, King Nova?

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar wind speeds dropped throughout most of yesterday to a low around 360 KPS, but due to magnetic instability it rose overnight to the 400-430 KPS range. Along with the Phi-Angle instability came a rise in the KP Index, with the last three readings at KP-3 level (still in the green range). Some disorganized coronal holes have popped in and out of existence near the equator, the dominant holes continue to remain in the polar regions. A Mag 6.0 quake struck about 120 miles SE of Raoul Island in New Zealand, followed by a Mag 5.0 just over 100 miles E of Kuril'sk Russia, and another Mag 5.0 36 miles NNE of Micronesia. And finally, it looks like Krakatoa had another brief blowout, with some lava bombs as part of the ejecta. 
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