Tuesday, April 28, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20200428 - Solar Eruption, Storm Alert, Amazing Science - Dipole Universe

SPACE - S0 - 20200428 - Solar Eruption, Storm Alert, Amazing Science - Dipole Universe

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar winds were variable yesterday, but still in the medium to calm range. After a peak of nearly 460 KPS, the speed dropped as low as 370 KPS, then rose again to 480 KPS, then dropped again near 390 KPS, and currently sits close to 375 KPS. It appears to be due to magnetic instability more than any coronal streams. The KP Index was mostly calm yesterday, with one minor bump up to KP-3 after midnight, dropping back down to KP-1, all still in the green zone. The solar videos showed a high magnetic release from the low to high northern latitudes at 304Å, but the tracking of its movement will hopefully aim AWAY from Earth (it didn't show up on the LASCO C3 video so the release may have stayed within the solar atmosphere). The equatorial bright spot will cross the midpoint in a couple of hours, and they're still showing underlying sunspot complexity. Only one quake yesterday, a Mag 5.2 in the Samoa Islands region, with only three blot echoes in the Mag 4.2-4.3 range.

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Another new video from Suspicious0bservers, "Solar Superstorms | Field Collapse Risk [Part 1]" 
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