Tuesday, April 7, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20200407 - Cosmic Ray Health Alert, Saturn Reveals, Venus & Supermoon

SPACE - S0 - 20200407 - Cosmic Ray Health Alert, Saturn Reveals, Venus & Supermoon

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar wind speeds really dipped yesterday, getting down to around 300 KPS before rising again to 340 KPS, with a current speed of 345 KPS. The KP Index was equally low, with the last six readings at KP-0, and the six before that at KP-1, so we'll keep an eye peeled for a potential Zero Day Alert. The mobile app did send out a Cosmic Ray Health Alert around 05:20 EDT, so keep an eye on high risk patients (cardiac/mental/lowered immunity). We did have another X-Ray spike in the B-range, caused again by the Northern bright spot crackling and snapping. No CMEs were apparent, though. The largest coronal hole in the South is passing the midpoint, and there's another smaller one near the equator which should pass in about 36 hours if it maintains integrity. The lithosphere got a bit busier than the previous day, with a Mag 5.0 off Indonesia, a Mag 5.2 off Trinidad and Tobago, and a Mag 5.2 about 125 miles SE of Severo-Kuril'sk Russia.
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