Saturday, June 6, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20200606 - Sunspots, Yellowstone, Hiawatha, Iron Phase

SPACE - S0 - 20200606 - Sunspots, Yellowstone, Hiawatha, Iron Phase

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar wind speeds have been pretty rock steady since midnight, flatlining around 320 KPS. That said, it wasn't exactly wild and crazy yesterday either, but there was a bit of up and down variation. Density and temperature remain steady, but slightly on the high side for the past 36 hours or so. The Phi Angle, conversely, has been pretty much all around the dial, but it doesn't seem to be having a major deleterious effect on the planet. Doesn't seem to be having a major deleterious effect on the KP-Index either, which remained pretty much at KP-1 over the last 30 hours (with one reading dipping down to KP-0 last night). That coronal hole from yesterday has diminished a bit, so we won't be seeing much of a breeze forthcoming. The Southern sunspot group has gained in magnetic complexity to Class B, with two negative holes (one large at the leading edge, and a smaller one in the middle) and a moderately-sized positive hole bringing up the rear. Could see some pretty hefty umbral activity if those holes magnetically connect and destabilize. However, X-Ray Flux levels remain only at high Class A readings. The lithosphere was a LOT busier yesterday, with a Mag 5.1 in the Philippines, a Mag 5.0 about 300 miles WNW of Longyearbyen, Svalbard and Jan Mayen (I know, funky name, right?), a Mag 5.2 in Turkey, and a Mag 5.3 about 50 miles ENE of Georgetown, Saint Helena.
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Another new video from Suspicious0bservers, "Nova Lithium | Major Significance for the Sun". 

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