Tuesday, June 30, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20200630 - Disastrous Forecast, Special Event Tonight, Ice Magnetism

SPACE - S0 - 20200630 - Disastrous Forecast, Special Event Tonight, Ice Magnetism

Good Morning, 0bservers!

There was a bit of a magnetic instability just after midnight, and that Phi Angle shift caused density, temperature and solar wind speeds to bump up a bit, from a low of 320 KPS to almost 370 KPS. It's since calmed down to 320 KPS. This also raised the KP-Index to KP-2 right after midnight, whereas most of the day was in the KP-0 to KP-1 range. Also saw another increase in X-Ray Flux activity, as some rumblings occurred in the bright spots both departing and entering the visible disc. Seeing more coronal hole development, we'll soon know if these will actually have a weather effect. The ones in the North should be passing central heliographic longitude later today. As to the lithosphere, we had a Mag 5.4 off Japan, a Mag 5.6 in the Ascension Island Region, a Mag 5.1 in Nicaragua, and it looks like Nevada is getting shook up again with a Mag 5.1 outside of Mina Nevada.
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