Tuesday, June 23, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20200623 - Major Lightning Again, Amazing Pluto, Cosmos

SPACE - S0 - 20200623 - Major Lightning Again, Amazing Pluto, Cosmos

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar wind speeds dropped a bit more from yesterdays "high" of 310 KPS, dropping to about 280 KPS at its lowest point a few hours ago. Particle density went up a bit, which may have caused the KP-Index to finally bump up to KP-2 briefly, so hopefully that will keep the Cosmic Rays away. Those equatorial coronal holes from yesterday seem to be gaining some structure. The X-Ray Flux remains below Class-A levels, and the few bright spots on the surface seem on the calm side right now. We saw a Mag 5.1 in the Philippines, a Mag 5.0 along the Mid-Indian Ridge, a Mag 5.0 in Peru, another Mag 5.0 around Easter Island, and a Mag 5.3 and a 5.1 South of the Kermadec Islands.
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Another new video from Suspicious0bservers, "Opportunity of a Lifetime | President of the AGU". You can read the accompanying letter here... 

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