Tuesday, March 2, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210302 - Earth Rotation Glitches Again, Galactic Current Sheet, Solar Forcing

SPACE - S0 - 20210302 - Earth Rotation Glitches Again, Galactic Current Sheet, Solar Forcing

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar wind speeds decided to ride a bit of a roller coaster yesterday, as velocities rose in the morning, peaked around midday at 540 KPS, started to fall below where they started, and then around 0300 UTC took an even more precipitous rise to around 580 KPS. This second rise was preceded by a rise in Particle Density, suggesting the tail end of or a separate new push of coronal hole streams. Like yesterday's uptick in wind speed, there was a preceding rise in Density. Temperatures pretty much tracked along with the other two. Yesterday's geomagnetic storm topped out as a Level 2 (KP-7) but wound down back into the green soon after. Despite the current rise in speed/density, though, the KP-Index has stayed low. The Magnetometer, on the other hand, dipped again below the threshold, and even spiked a bit higher than yesterday's maximum. Surprisingly, the Electron Flux remained nominal, as did the Proton Flux. The X-Ray Flux chart is showing background radiation returning to the mid-Class A flare range. There was a spike around 1100 UTC this morning but that flare didn't even make it all the way to the Class B flare line. The new coronal hole system is wide-ranging both North and South of the equator, and the leading edge of it has just passed the centerpoint. It'll take at least a day for the rest of that system to pass. There is a new bright spot at the Southern end of the coronal hole, also set to pass the midpoint in a few hours. The old spots are departing past the Western lim.

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