Friday, March 5, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210305 - Climate Forcing, Tsunami Readings, Cosmology

SPACE - S0 - 20210305 - Climate Forcing, Tsunami Readings, Cosmology

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Firstly, please be sure to check the SECOND video below on the Mag 8.1 in the Kermadec Islands yesterday. It's important to understand how both solar and terrestrial weather can drive earthquakes... [still waiting to hear what happened to their supply of sheep's bladders]
More solar stability as we continue to calm from the moderate winds on Wednesday. All of yesterday and today continued a downward trend with speeds now at 400 KPS, down from yesterday's 540-560 KPS range and Wednesday's peak of 700 KPS. Temperatures were mostly steady yesterday but took a downward turn just after midnight UTC, whereas the Particle Density started to move up around the same time. The Phi Angle was mostly stable, but a bit of jittery motion around 0600 is what drove a rise in both Temperate and Density above its predictive track. After yesterday's brief minor geomagnetic storm reading on the KP-Index around midnight, the rest of the chart was reading green/safe all day and night. The Magnetometer has been in its normal sine-wave pattern for two days now, the Proton Flux is in its always-nominal state, and the Electron Flux breached the alert threshold yet again (I think this is the fourth day running). X-Ray Flux readings also improved, with background production now down in the mid Class A flare range, and no flares to report as well. The video loops are showing further decomposition of the large coronal hole field, but there are still enough gaps to let a lot of "wind" through as its remainders slew across the midpoint. The Southern sunspots are bright but not really all that active (so far, anyway) but the Magnetogram still shows the magnetic complexity beneath. The trailing spot is still about a day away from the center, and both spots are still a risk, so Eyes 0pen...
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Another new video from Suspicious0bservers, "Massive Earthquake Uptick | Matches Prediction Model"

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