Saturday, March 20, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210320 - Solar Storm, Big Quake, Volcano, Disaster Cycle

SPACE - S0 - 20210320 - Solar Storm, Big Quake, Volcano, Disaster Cycle

Happy Spring, 0bservers!

We finally got a strong rise in Particle Density starting around 2000 UTC, peaking around 0400 UTC before taking a sharp drop. Which, as regular readers understand, was the "trigger" for the next jump in solar winds, which slowly rose from yesterday's 300 KPS low to 350 KPS at midnight UTC, 400 KPS at 0200, and then the major surge starting around 0400 with the speed topping out at nearly 550 KPS. It's currently in the 480-510 KPS range. The Phi Angle didn't shift as much as I had expected, but the positive/negative magnetic gap at the very top of the DSCOVR charts showed a major widening when the solar winds really kicked into high gear. The KP-Index was pretty calm all through yesterday, with green bars all the way.... until 0900 UTC, when we went from a KP-3 reading to a KP-6 (Level-2 Geomagnetic Storm). I believe the scientific technical term for that is YOWZA!  The Magnetometer reacted by driving the low readings below the 40 nT threshold. Proton Flux was, as always, nominal. The Electron Flux breached its own warning threshold again, but not as much as in previous days. X-Ray Flux background radiation levels actually went down a bit since yesterday, to about the middle of Class A, with very few upward spikes (again, none reaching Class B as reported the previous day). The Southern polar coronal hole is still crossing the midpoint, but there is a Northern node to it that is within striking range of Earth we should keep an eye on. Looked to be a plasma release just trailing that, but it was just at the end of the video loop. The leading sunspot group in the North is about a day from crossing the Western lim, and the trailing one is about 36 hours from the centerpoint. There's some brightness coming in from the Eastern lim, but it's not yet showing up on the Magnetogram so we'll have to wait and see.

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