Saturday, March 6, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210306 - Polar Signs of Magnetic Shift, Solar Heart Risk, Fire Planet

SPACE - S0 - 20210306 - Polar Signs of Magnetic Shift, Solar Heart Risk, Fire Planet

Good Morning, 0bservers!

The solar wind speeds continued to slow throughout all of yesterday and early this morning, dropping down to around 360 KPS. But then, something happened. The Phi Angle did a major shift, the Particle Density did a significant jump around 0100 UTC, and the solar wind speeds shot up to about 550 KPS around 0600 UTC. Temperature readings followed the jump in speed, and then the minor drop. The KP-Index jumped around the same time as the Particle Density (which makes sense) to a KP-4 minor geomagnetic storm for about 5 hours, but we're back in the green zone now. The Magnetometer took a drop back down to the 40 nT threshold at the bottom but has already climbed back to its normal position. Proton Flux, was, as always, nominal. Electron Flux had stayed above the alert threshold all of yesterday, but just as the storm hit it dropped back down to a less energetic level. The X-Ray Flux chart did show a few spikes into the lower quarter of the Class B flare range, but its background levels then dropped to below the middle of Class A. The video loop at 193Å showed that the flares weren't coming from the two Earth facing sunspot groups (with the lagging one just crossing the midpoint just a little while ago). Instead, it was from a new one at about 45°-50° North just approaching the Eastern lim. You can see it more clearly at 304Å. However, you can barely see it at all on the Magnetogram. The other two sunspots facing Earth seem to be separating a bit more, with the one at the midpoint looking like that separation is becoming decay. Just remember, sunspots can surprise you and flare when you think they're quieting down. The spots closest to the Western (departing) lim is now generally "aimed" away from Earth, but depending on how it might flare, we could still catch a piece of it. And the last fragments of the coronal hole system have either passed the midpoint or collapsed entirely. Not seeing any new coronal hole development yet, and the polar regions are relatively hole-free as well.
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Another new video from Suspicious0bservers, "Why The Haters Can Yap All They Want". Man, this one is EPIC!

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