Tuesday, March 23, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210323 - Earth Rotation Glitches, Nano Nova, NLCs

SPACE - S0 - 20210323 - Earth Rotation Glitches, Nano Nova, NLCs

Good Morning, 0bservers!

After hitting a peak of 660 KPS yesterday morning, solar winds began a steady slowdown around noon UTC, with the current speed in the 500-520 KPS range. Particle Density remains elevated, but Temperatures reduced slightly. The Phi Angle had stabilized for about 12 hours starting in the early afternoon yesterday, but it's a bit verschimmelt (if not verklempt) after midnight UTC. While we were in the green zone on the KP-Index all of yesterday, we did get a KP-4 (minor geomagnetic storm) reading around 0600 UTC. Magnetometer is nominal, Proton Flux is nominal, Electron Flux is allergic to nominal. X-Ray Flux background is just below the Class B flare line, and there were several small spikes above that line from mid-afternoon to midnight UTC. We've got some new coronal hole development, including a small-to-medium one just along the equator which should cross the midpoint later today. There's another one behind it, further South, and cutting a diagonal SE-to-NW line, which should arrive about 36 hours afterward. Seeing that second new sunspot up on the Northeast lim just crossed. The Magnetogram from SDO shows both of them with some tight positive/negative grouping, whereas the sunspot group that passed the midpoint appears to be disintegrating.

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