Thursday, March 18, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210318 - Recurrent Nova, StarWater, Hiding in Plain Sight

SPACE - S0 - 20210318 - Recurrent Nova, StarWater, Hiding in Plain Sight

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Continuing calm from the solar wind front, as speeds extended their downward trend. The speed at midnight UTC yesterday was about 390 KPS, and that spent the day and night on a gentle slide to about 340 KPS. Still a ways to go downward, but I don't think that'll be happening once those coronal hole streams arrive. Particle Density, on the other hand, was doing a slow and steady rise throughout all of yesterday, while Temperature remained mostly steady on the low side. There was a shift in solar magnetism as the Phi Angle chart showed a strong jump around midnight UTC today. The KP-Index remained green, with KP-1s and KP-2s predominating. And we have a triple-nominal this morning for a change from the Magnetometer, Proton Flux and Electron Flux charts. X-Ray Flux looks good as well, as the background radiation levels have dropped slightly in the past 24, with only the slightest upward bumps (never leaving Class A flare range). The major section of the Southern coronal hole is now passing the centerline, so expect output from this system arriving in the next 36-60 hours. The departing sunspot group in the North retains its magnetic complexity (looks like Beta, but it's hard to tell on a B/W image). However, the incoming Northern spot is no slouch either, with more positive/negative mixing in one area which may indicate Beta-Delta complexity.

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