Wednesday, March 3, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210303 - Flurry of Sunspots, Nova Suess, "Elite" Science

SPACE - S0 - 20210303 - Flurry of Sunspots, Nova Suess, "Elite" Science

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Yesterday's report started with a rise in solar wind speeds, and, well, they just kept on a risin'! We topped out at 700 KPS around 0400 UTC, and we've "dropped" back a bit to the 600-650 KPS range. Particle Density and Temperature stayed pretty level after yesterday's bump, but the Phi Angle has been pretty messed up. Seriously scrambled readings there. The KP-Index was green in the morning yesterday, but around 1500 UTC it gave us the start of our current level-1 (KP-5) geomagnetic storm, which is still ongoing. The Magnetometer hit a pretty big high yesterday, but didn't drop below the threshold at 40 nT. The Proton Flux remained nominal, but we did see the Electron Flux breach its threshold this morning. The X-Ray Flux showed a strong spike at midnight UTC, up to the lower Class C flare range, with some "after-flares" in upper-to-mid Class B. Finding that flare on the video loops was a bit more difficult, because it could have come from the sunspots which have already crossed the Western lim on their way out, but we've got the new sunspot yesterday that developed just below the current coronal hole system (the spot just passed the midpoint) or a brand new couple of sunspots, one about two days behind the new one, the other just starting to cross the Eastern lim into the Earth-facing disc. They were all sparking and surging, I just couldn't figure out which one was the "guilty party" for the Class C spike.

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