Saturday, March 27, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210327 - Apophis, Scary Solar Forecast, Galactic Burst

SPACE - S0 - 20210327 - Apophis, Scary Solar Forecast, Galactic Burst

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar winds peaked out around 490 KPS yesterday morning, but then it took a pretty quick downturn through the day. It's currently in the 340-370 KPS range. The calming was also evident in the Density and Temperature readings, and the Phi Angle also stabilized around the time of the wind speed slowing. KP-Index readings are all back in the green today. The Magnetometer's sine wave pattern is far more shallow than previous days, and the Electron Flux is as close to "nominal" as it's been in almost a week. Proton Flux remains mind-numbingly stable. X-Ray Flux readings are also relatively stable, with a few short spikes up to or just above Class B flare range, and a slightly lower background radiation count. Looks like there was a small CME coming from the departing (and decaying) sunspot group just as it reaches the Western lim. The other two trailing sunspots are still passing the midpoint, as well as the last of that Southern coronal hole. The Magnetogram is showing no new sunspot development in the North, but I am seeing a bright spot developing in the South, about two days' transit behind the decaying coronal hole. There is some magnetic indicators on that Southern area, but they're widely scattered and showing no cohesion or complexity as yet. We'll keep an eye on this one, but right now the Northern spots are probably the higher risk.

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