Sunday, August 30, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20200830 - Spiral Aurora, Plasma Jets at Earth, Storm Watch

SPACE - S0 - 20200830 - Spiral Aurora, Plasma Jets at Earth, Storm Watch

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar wind speeds maxed out yesterday morning around 540 KPS, but started calming to 500 KPS by midnight and then did a sharper drop after that to around 440 KPS. Oddly enough, particle density went down a bit during Saturday, but then bumped up slightly when the wind speed started to drop more rapidly. Temperatures stayed steady to slightly elevated, again with the elevation after midnight around the same time as the particle density bump. That bump, however, was strong enough to put the KP-Index into the (minor) solar storm range, a KP-4. The rest of the day was mostly KP-3s and KP-2s. The Electron Flux, which had pretty low for the past several days, jumped around midday yesterday to just below the SWPC Alert Threshold. The Northern coronal hole is just now connecting to the polar hole as it passes the midpoint. Since we're nearing the Northernmost position in our orbit around the star, we're going to have more impact from those incoming streams than we normally would. The solar video at 304Å shows a lot of activity, including an ejection in the Northern hemisphere at the leading edge of one of the new bright spots. It caused some minor instability on the X-Ray Flux charts, but otherwise it seemed to be contained within the sun's atmosphere. Still don't see any underlying sunspots on the disc, though. Not too much in the way of earthquake activity, with only a handful of blot echos and a Mag. 5.1 in the South Shetland Islands.
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