Tuesday, June 8, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210608 - Dark Energy Artifact, Space Energy Intrusions, Oldest Creature

SPACE - S0 - 20210608 - Dark Energy Artifact, Space Energy Intrusions, Oldest Creature

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar wind speeds started out pretty calm yesterday, hitting a low of about 300 KPS. It rose to 350 KPS around 0600 UTC, then jumped to 500 KPS around 1700 UTC, and then again to 550 KPS around 0100 UTC this morning. It's calmed back down below 500 KPS as of 1000 UTC. Temperatures followed suit, topping out around 6000°K around 1900 UTC. Particle Density fell before the speeds started ramping up, as per normal for an impact to the magnetosphere. As it was rising, though, we saw significant changes in the Phi Angle and Bt/Bz readings. The speed surge was preceded by a minor geomagnetic storm (KP-4, pretty mild considering) but the past three readings have been back down to KP-2. The Magnetometer peaked out above 140 nT but bottomed out well above the warning threshold of 40 nT (looked like about 65 nT or so). The Proton Flux and Electron Flux charts are showing a whole lotta nominal right now, which is good. The Coronal Hole and Sunspot group in the South are well past the midpoint now, but we're seeing some new coronal hole development (albeit small) in the North, also close to the midpoint. There was a minor "poof" of ejecta along the Southeast lim, possibly behind the facing disc. Didn't show up on LASCO C3, though, but there's still some continued streaming of material from the opposite side, moving away from Earth (ahead of our orbit). There are new bright spots along the lim which appear to be incoming, should be able to see them in a day or so.
MANY THANKS to Chuck for filling in for me while I was On-Call at my job.

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