SPACE - S0 - 20210625 - The Hand in Space, Galactic Sheet, Dino Mystery, Electroquakes
Good Morning, 0bservers!
Solar wind speeds rose for most of the morning yesterday, topping out around 380 KPS at 1400 UTC, then ranging 360-390 KPS for most if the evening before dropping around midnight UTC, building back up two hours later, and then building further starting around 0700 UTC with a peak of 430 KPS at 0900 UTC. Particle Density also took a slow rise that crested around 1600 UTC, with a slow and steady decline after that point. Temperature readings generally followed the wind speed path, and have been oscillating between 5000°K and 5400°K since midnight UTC. Phi Angle readings started to destabilize around 0800 UTC yesterday, and it just got worse throughout the period. There were a LOT of polarity collisions on the Bt/Bz chart which appear to have been the cause. The KP-Index did climb up to two KP-3 readings at midnight and 0300 UTC, but the last two readings have fallen back to KP-2. The Magnetometer had the expected high/low sine wave after a couple days of flattening out, but still well within nominal range. The Proton Flux Chart was also nominal, but the Electron Flux chart did flirt with the Alert Threshold for a few hours yesterday afternoon before calming back into a more normal range. The X-Ray Flux is more of a bumpy ride than yesterday, but it never got out of Class B flare range so we're good in that respect. Video loops are showing a new coronal hole system developing in front of the Northeast sunspot group at 193Å, but I'm seeing a bodacious filament crossing much of the Northwest quadrant at 304Å. If that sucker releases, it'll be nasty, depending on what direction it blows. Both 304Å and 131Å are showing some minor sparking from the various sunspots, which is what was driving the X-Ray instability. The LASCO C3 is showing the beginnings of a CME starting around 0530 UTC, from the Southwest quadrant. Can't see the old sunspot on the Solar Visible Light loop, and I still fail to see any dark cores for the new ones. However, you can see their magnetic signatures quite clearly on the Magnetogram, and it appears there is a second sunspot group just turning in from the Southeast lim, but it is almost completely positive with a couple small leading/trailing negative spots hugging it.
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