Wednesday, June 16, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210616 - Strongest Nova, Coronal Hole Impact, RNA 2 DNA

SPACE - S0 - 20210616 - Strongest Nova, Coronal Hole Impact, RNA 2 DNA

Good Morning, 0bservers!

We had a pretty sharp rise in solar winds around 1200 UTC from 370 KPS to 600 KPS in the span of two hours, peaking out at 630 KPS a few hours after that. It has since stayed in the 530-620 KPS range, currently between 560-580 KPS as of 1000 UTC. This one was preceded by a strong rise in Particle Density followed by an almost immediate drop on the charts at the same point as the speed increase. This had a double-cause - expected increases in solar wind speeds due to coronal hole flows combined with a rather sharp Bt/Bz collision. The latter has stabilized somewhat but the Bz portion of the chart is fluctuating far more than the Bt. And, as expected, the Phi Angle is pretty messed up. Temperatures dropped at the point of the collision down to about 4500°K, then jumped to 5200°K, and it's now riding the 5900°K-6000°K range. NASA had predicted a KP-4 for yesterday, but we jumped to a KP-5 around 2100 UTC (level 1 geomagnetic storm) followed by 2 KP-4s (minor storm) and we're back in the green KP-3 leves for the last two readings. The Magnetometer was anything but nominal when the Bt/Bz collision occurred, dropping down to ZERO nT at least twice, while the sine wave was on the rise. It popped above 140 nT a few hours after that, but has dropped down to just below 60 nT as of 0200 UTC and is back on the rise. No problems on the Proton Flux or Electron Flux charts, though, and the X-Ray Flux is mostly calm. Only saw one minor spike just into Class B flare range around 0800 UTC, and background radiation is down to about mid-Class A. No obvious issues on the video loops at 193Å, the Southern coronal hole is pretty much past the midpoint, but I'm seeing a new one forming at the upper latitudes in the North. The new sunspot group in the North appears bright but relatively quiet. No releases or CMEs noted on the other wavelengths. The Magnetogram continues to show Beta-Delta complexity on the Northern sunspot, but there's a trailing line of negative polarity beneath and behind it that could connect.
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