SPACE - S0 - 20210610 - Russell Brand's Video, Solar CMEs, Recurrent Nova
Good Morning, 0bservers!
There was a continued calming of solar wind speeds, but frankly they couldn't drop much further. They had started out yesterday midnight UTC at around 400 KPS, and are now in the 325-350 KPS range. Particle Density stayed mostly steady, then dipped a bit just before midnight UTC only to start rising again around 0400 UTC. Temps are in the 4200°K-5000°K range over the past six hours. The Bt/Bz lines are fairly close together right now, and while we did have some Phi Angle stability it does seem to be drifting again. Those two KP-2s we say yesterday 0600 and 0900 UTC dropped back down to KP-1s, and a couple of KP-0s with one at midnight UTC and another at 0900 UTC. The Magnetometer is nominal, as are the Electron Flux and Proton Flux charts, the latter only showing slight elevations in the red squiggly lines (yes, that is a scientific term) but well below the 10 MeV Warning Threshold. There were three incursions into Class C flare range on the X-Ray Flux chart yesterday, a mid-C at 1000 UTC, a slightly lower one at noon UTC, and then one that barely crossed the line around 0600 UTC. The video loops are showing that Southern coronal hole reaching from the pole to the equator and building closer to the center. Also saw a blowout on the Southeast lim at around 0830 at 193Å. Some really gnarly (yes, another scientific term) prominences at 304Å and 131Å along the opposite lim, both North and South, which may have been the larger Class C flares on X-Ray. However, while I see the larger ones on the LASCO C3 loop, they're not showing up on either of the ENLIL Spiral animations (well, not yet, anyway).
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