SPACE - S0 - 20210618 - Micronova Stories Update, Primordial Magnetism
Good Morning, 0bservers!
Solar wind speeds are reducing, but more slowly than usual, with some wider variations/instability in the last three hours. They stayed steady at around 550 KPS for most of yesterday, but then started rapid oscillations between 480-550 KPS around 1400 UTC until 2000 UTC when they stayed near the 500 KPS line. However their oscillations started again around 0800 UTC in the 470-540 KPS range. These oscillations were mirrored (at least in time if not intensity on the Particle Density and Temperature charts. However, Particle Density dropped sharply at 2000 UTC and has remained mostly steady at that lower level. Phi Angle readings are still pretty jumpy, but not nearly as bad as Wednesday. The Bt/Bz variations are much closer right now as well. KP-Index readings are in the green and slightly more calm than yesterday. The Magnetometer's sine wave is nominal, the Proton Flux chart looks good, but the Electron Flux really took a leap over the Alert Threshold yesterday, dropped below it after 0200 UTC, and just went above it again around 0900 UTC. X-Ray Flux readings show no spikes or flares of note, and the background radiation level is also a bit lower than yesterday. The video loops did show a couple (1800 UTC and 0230 UTC) intra-atmospheric releases near the sunspot group in the North, but it didn't seem to eject anything outside of that. The latter one seems to have created a temporary coronal hole as it blew past, but it soon filled back in. The more stable coronal hole North of that is turning in toward the centerpoint. The Magnetogram is showing the sunspot group getting close to central heliographic longitude, possibly by early Sunday, with a trail of positive/negative areas scattered below and behind it. LASCO C3 did show a CME around 1530 UTC, but from the angle it appears behind our orbit and possibly behind the facing disc of the Sun, so that should pose no issues here.
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