Wednesday, June 23, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210623 - Solar Flare and CME Eruption, Mystery Lights, Polar Shift News

SPACE - S0 - 20210623 - Solar Flare and CME Eruption, Mystery Lights, Polar Shift News

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Most of the period has shown calming of the solar wind speeds, hitting a low of 320 KPS around 0730 UTC this morning, with the highest level at 395 KPS at 0230 UTC yesterday. We did see a jump up to 375 KPS at 0800 UTC for just under two hours before it fell back below 340 KPS. Particle Density was mildly variable, with the current level below the point of yesterday's report. Temperatures were mildly variable as well but retained long periods of stability once they'd shift. The Phi Angle went pretty wild starting around noon UTC, stabilized ad midnight UTC for about three hours then shifted to a new stable polarity for another five hours, before getting wonky starting at 0800 UTC. The sudden shift at 0300 UTC looks like a polarity collision on the Bt/Bz chart. The KP-Index remained in the KP-1 to KP-2 range throughout the reporting period. Getting nominal readings from the Magnetometer, Proton Flux and Electron Flux charts. The X-Ray Flux showed a flare just below the Class C line around 1300 UTC, but then we saw a stronger one into mid-Class C at 0600 UTC. The video loops show the eruption and expulsion along the Northeast lim best at 193Å, but 304Å shows the brightness of the flare in spectacular fashion. It's still a bit hard to see that new sunspot group on the Magnetogram, but it's at least Beta-Delta complexity.
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Another new video from Suspicious0bservers, "You Don't Know Nova". Fascinating information on what does and doesn't constitute a "nova".
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