Saturday, June 26, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210626 - Bird Disaster Mystery, Sunspots Growing Fast

SPACE - S0 - 20210626 - Bird Disaster Mystery, Sunspots Growing Fast 

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar winds remained slightly elevated (not really strong, but above the minimums) since yesterday's report, running back and forth between 360-420 KPS throughout the period. Particle Density stayed steady, but we did see Temperatures drop below 5000°K after midnight UTC, with the latest level at 1000 UTC around 4300°K. There's still a lot of Phi Angle variability on the chart, but it seems to have started to stabilize somewhat after 0800 UTC. That instability seems to have been driven by a number of polarity collisions on the Bt/Bz chart. KP-Index levels are calm, with the latter half of yesterday being KP-1 readings. Nominal readings across the boards for the Magnetometer, Proton Flux and Electron Flux. The X-Ray Flux was somewhat calm yesterday morning, but there was a sharp spike around 1300 UTC into the lower Class C flare range, and another one about five hours later just touching the line. A few perturbations showed up after that. You can see the spark of the flare just on the Northwest lim, a "parting gift" from the departing sunspot group. The coronal hole mentioned yesterday should be crossing the midpoint later today, and there's a lot more activity on those two new sunspot groups both North and South. The Southern one is finally showing up on the Solar Visible Light video, with two negative cores. You can see them bracketing the positive central mass in the Magnetogram. The Northern group seems to be spreading out instead of coalescing, but it's broad and still has sufficient complexity to be of concern.
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