Monday, June 21, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210621 - Solar Eruptions, Deep Electric, Sneaky Nova

SPACE - S0 - 20210621 - Solar Eruptions, Deep Electric, Sneaky Nova 

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Note: This post reflects Disqus Post number 80,000 for me. A few weeks ago I had 500,000 upvotes. At this writing it is below 14,000. Before the day is out, that will be scum-bot'd down to the negative numbers. M'eh - easy come, easy go. It is just irksome that the fuckwits can actually pull this kind of crap. 

Anyway, the space weather's the REAL story here, amirite?

Solar wind speeds spent all of yesterday and this morning slowing down, from a peak of 460 KPS at 0100 UTC yesterday to its current 350-360 KPS range. Particle density had a slow rise until about noon UTC when it dropped, then started rebuilding again until it peaked around midnight UTC after which it started a slow decline. Temperatures were steady for most of the morning before dropping below 5000°K around 1400 UTC, declining further until a surge around 2000 UTC, dropping back at midnight, and then a major dip to nearly 4000°K around 0600, and then returning to 5000°K at last report. Those movements mirror some wide gaps in the Bt/Bz chart, which have also driven some moderate changes in the Phi Angle readings. Most of the KP-Index readings in the last 48 hours were quite low, almost exclusively KP-1, but we did have a short KP-3 burst at midnight UTC before returning back to previous levels. Magnetometer is nominal, as is the Proton Flux, but the Electron Flux has stayed above the Alert Threshold for almost 48 hours before finally going back below it around 0200 UTC (it's crept back above it at last reading). No apparent flares or spikes on the X-Ray Flux, but we have seen a pretty steady rise in background radiation since Saturday, crossing into low-Class B range for much of yesterday evening before dropping just below the line. A small coronal hole developed just East of the centerpoint last night and has already passed the line. While it's in the lower latitudes I doubt it'll have much effect. However, we should start feeling the effects of the Northern coronal hole system today and tomorrow. While I couldn't see anything on the video loops, the ENLIL spiral showed a small "ptoo" (yes, that is a scientific term) heading inbound toward Earth, but slightly behind our orbit so it's doubtful we'll see any major effects here.
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