Monday, June 28, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210628 - Disaster Changes Continue Unfolding, Sun Waking Up

SPACE - S0 - 20210628 - Disaster Changes Continue Unfolding, Sun Waking Up

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar winds spent the weekends gently easing down from their Friday high of 425 KPS (which is still in the nominal range), and is currently riding the 340 KPS line. Particle Density was a lot more variable, and did peak out around 2200 UTC yesterday before staring a steady drop to their lowest point in three days. Temperatures were a bit more variable starting yesterday at 0900, but they seem to be staying in the 5100°K to 4100°K range, with the current readings at the lower end of that spectrum. Phi Angle readings remain generally variable but not to the point of wild instability. The instances of most variability coincide with polarity collisions on the Bt/Bz chart, so no change there. KP-Index readings are generally calm, mostly KP-1s. The Magnetometer's reading a standard sine wave pattern, and both Proton Flux and Electron Flux charts show nominal. The X-Ray Flux is showing slightly elevated background radiation in the lower Class B range, but we did have some spikes into the upper portion of that segment just before midnight and again at around 0800 UTC. A mid-C Class flare popped up at 1000 UTC. From the video loops, the small coronal hole in the North passed the midpoint yesterday, and you can see some evidence of flaring in the two sunspot groups both North and South. There are also a couple more bright spots approaching the Eastern lim, so we should know in a couple of days if they'll pose any issues. The Magnetogram is showing the Northern sunspot group at Alpha to maybe Beta complexity, but the two separate Southern groups are more Beta-Delta, with the upper one perhaps at Beta-Gamma-Delta. Eyes 0pen, folks...
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Another new video from Suspicious0bservers, "Safe Zones, Animal Anomalies, Primary Risks | Advanced Catastrophism".

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