Tuesday, June 15, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210614 - Cosmic Bombshell, Greenland Mystery, Brain Metal

SPACE - S0 - 20210614 - Cosmic Bombshell, Greenland Mystery, Brain Metal

Good Morning, 0bservers!

After peaking at around 525 KPS yesterday morning, solar wind speeds have been on the decline, currently in the 370-400 KPS range. Particle Density lowered for most of the day, but took a very slight and steady rise after midnight UTC. Temperatures, on the other hand, have become wildly variable, especially after midnight UTC, in the 4500°K-5500°K range. Phi Angle readings have been pretty jumpy most of yesterday, but they seem to be (slightly) stabilizing, at least by comparison. The KP-Index is very calm, KP-1s across the board since 0900 UTC yesterday. The Magnetometer sine wave is becoming more shallow, but it remains nominal. Proton Flux and Electron Flux are equally nominal. The X-Ray Flux remains calm, with only a couple of forays above the Class B flare line (more surges than actual spikes), and background radiations levels are a bit lower now than the last report. Still no video loops, folks, but I'm sure Ben has included them in the video above from his (un)usual sources.
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Another new video from Suspicious0bservers, "Cosmic Water Explosion | Advanced Catastrophism".
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