Friday, June 11, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210611 - Cosmic Fail, The Anti-Nova, Special Video Coming

SPACE - S0 - 20210611 - Cosmic Fail, The Anti-Nova, Special Video Coming

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar wind speeds remained relatively steady and relatively calm, hugging the 350 KPS line. Yesterday morning's rise in Particle Density pretty much stayed at that elevated level, rising and dipping above and below the midline without too much wide variation. The same can't be said for Temperatures, though, which were up and down in the 4200°K-5000°K range again. There was some Phi Angle instability starting around 1600 UTC when the Bt/Bz polarities clashed for over two hours. The Phi Angle stabilized around 0200, but only after the Bt/Bz lines massively diverged from one another two hours previous (and remain with a wide gap as of 1100 UTC. Particle density increased to KP-2 around 1800 UTC, then we had two KP-3 readings at 0300-0600 UTC, with the last reading dropping back a notch. The Magnetometer readings were mostly nominal, but the low-end dropped to 50 nT (still above the threshold). Proton Flux and Electron Flux charts show nominal as well, with the former's elevated red line dipping back from yesterday to combine with the yellow and blue lines. The X-Ray Flux has calmed significantly from the past few days, with the background radiation levels returning to the bottom of Class B, and no major flares beyond the Class C reported yesterday. LASCO C3 showed another CME from the left (east) side starting around 2000 UTC. However, the video loops show no such expulsion, so my guess is that this happened on the far side of the Sun. The coronal hole system has two portion crossing the midpoint, the leading edge of the equatorial section and the South polar segment. The largest portion, nearer to the pole, should cross tomorrow with the mid-latitude section about a day behind that.
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