Tuesday, March 17, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20200317 - Disaster Petroglyph, Mantle Mystery, Bad Day 4 Dark Matter

SPACE - S0 - 20200317 - Disaster Petroglyph, Mantle Mystery, Bad Day 4 Dark Matter

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar winds ramped up a few hours ago from a low of 330 KPS to a spike of 470 KPS. The current wind speed is around 430 KPS, while the KP Index stays in the green range, with KP-1s and KP-2s. Looks like this may be due to magnetic instability more than coronal hole activity, though. The coronal hole at the South Pole is reaching a bit Northward right now, and we're still low enough in our orbit to see some possible effects from it. The Southern bright spot is almost at the departing lim, and the prominence view at 304Å is something to behold. The same goes for the incoming bright spot at the Northeast lim, which just crossed the terminator a few hours ago, and is already decaying. As to the lithosphere, there was another Mag 5.0 off Indonesia, another Mag 5.0 a hundred miles ESE of New Guinea, and a deeper Mag 5.6 a few hours ago off Chile.
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