Tuesday, March 31, 2020

SPACE - S0 - 20200331 - Solar Wind, QuakeWatch, Survival, Galactic Sheet GCR

SPACE - S0 - 20200331 - Solar Wind, QuakeWatch, Survival, Galactic Sheet GCR

Good Morning, 0bservers!

We had two sharp upticks in solar wind speed, the first before midday with a jump from 350 KPS to 450 KPS, and the second about two hours later elevating further to the 500-525 KPS range with the current speed in the 450-500 KPS range (last reading at 485 KPS). There was a matching increase in density at the beginning of the speed bump, and the temperature also rose at same time and rate. The KP Index rose and, after midnight, popped into the KP-4 (minor storm) range. The electron flux rose as well, but stayed below the alert threshold. That new sunspot group in the North is quite active, very bright, and it'll be interesting to see the magnetic complexity level later when the imaging scans come through. At present the two distinct spots don't show much, but they're far enough apart to at least suggest beta-level complexity. Looks like Cycle 25 might actually have arrived. Only two ocean-bound quakes of note, a Mag 5.4 off the coast of Japan, and a 5.1 along the Mid-Indian Ridge. 
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