Tuesday, January 5, 2021

SPACE - S0 - 20210105 - Sun-Quakes, PlutOcean, "Age" of the Universe

SPACE - S0 - 20210105 - Sun-Quakes, PlutOcean, "Age" of the Universe

Good Morning, 0bservers!

Solar wind speeds rose from yesterday's low of 260 KPS, but only because there was nowhere to go but up at that point. The rise was moderate and rather spikey on the charts, hitting a high of 370 KPS (which is still in the ambient speed range) followed by a sharp drop to 270 KPS and then back up to 350 KPS. It's definitely giving the needle a workout on that chart page. Same is true for Temperature and Particle Density. I was starting to get worried about a long stretch of low KP-Index readings, but we finally copped a KP-2 after midnight UTC. The X-Ray Flux ambient readings continue to slide, now just below the middle of the Class A flare range, but there was an oh-so-tiny bump in that chart around 0300 UTC. The video loops are finally back, and despite a "speed-up" for the first half they're basically showing a stellar nothing-burger. No coronal holes, no major sunspots/bright spots, no terror in the skies sort of thing.

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