SPACE - S0 - 20210112 - Sun, Galaxy, Unusual Mortality Event from Magnetic Change?
Good Morning, 0bservers!
Well, that's a coronal hole stream, folks! Yesterday's report told of a ramp up beginning, but it was more a staircase. Oddly, solar wind speeds began to rise BEFORE the Particle Density, but it stepped its way from a low of 280 KPS to a peak of 480 KPS around midnight UTC. Current speeds are in the 450-460 KPS range. Oddly, while the wind speed was going up, the Particle Density started getting knocked down by a pretty strong shift in the Phi Angle. Temperatures rose for a time, but then stabilized just above the 5000K level. And the results of all this heliographic tomfoolery? Well, for one thing, we got a pretty impressive minor geomagnetic storm starting around 1500 UTC. The KP-Index was showing five straight readings of KP-4s, or a solid 15-hour storm, with it dipping back down to KP-3 around 0300 UTC. Electron Flux and Proton Flux levels were nominal, but the GOES Magnetometer went a bit doo-and-lally with a crest above 150 nanoTeslas, and then a dip below the baseline/warning level of 40 nT (twice!). While the X-Ray Flux remained riding the Class A flare line, there did appear to be an extended flare or x-ray event lasting at least an hour, possibly two, which got up a third of a way in Class A. The video loops are showing a new expansion of the Southern coronal hole Northward, on the leading edge of the Eastern lim. The bright spots incoming have shown only a slight increase in magnetic complexity, but certainly nothing to suggest they are at the moment developing into actual sunspots. As well all know, that CAN change, but right now the probability is low.
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